Thursday, March 31, 2005

So much to say

So I meant to write on Monday, then Tuesday came and went and now it's Thursday. I'm finally writing with so much to say.

Easter went well. My parents came up via Chicago for Easter church and dinner at the Remfrey's. Yummy ham and everything else that goes along with Easter dinner. Nora did very well at church and saved all her crabbies for Nana and Papa's house. They didn't last for long and she took a nice nap with me.

My boobies have started to deflate. Slowly but surely. I'm finally able to sleep on my side again. Don't laugh, it's true!

Nora is getting very close to being able to sit up on her own. The scariest thing she has been doing lately is during tummy time. She is starting to pull her knees up one at a time like she is thinking about crawling. Needless to say, I'm limiting her tummy time because I'm scared to death of her crawling. I've already ordered the outlet covers. Wasn't she just born? Wasn't she a preemie and not supposed to do this stuff until later? I guess I should have expected this as I was walking at 8 months!

Nora gets to meet her Great Uncle Tim for the first time this weekend. He is going to be in Madison for a conference and we are going to make the trek there to see him. Ok, we are really going to eat at Marigold Cafe, but it will be nice to see him too ;-)

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Nora is officiallying teething. She had a slight temperature this morning and we can now see two white spots on her lower gum. I think I got her off the boob just in time! That explains some of her biting in the last couple of weeks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Reading with Grandma Johnson


It's official: My boobs are free. Nora had her last meal at the breast yesterday. I have slowly weened her to a morning and evening feeding over the past week or so. I began to notice that she was still quite hungry, unsatisfied is a better word, after both of these feedings in the past few days. I decided that I had made it twice as long as I had originally hoped, so it was time to stop all together. Nora seems to be much happier getting plenty of milk at all feedings. Me on the other hand will take a few days to be happier. As soon as my breasts figure out that they are no longer needed, I will be much happier. I'll keep you updated ;-)

Monday, March 21, 2005

It's 5 AM, what do you mean Daddy's not awake yet?

Bath time!

Here's one of Nora in the tub!


Nora is going through a lot of changes. We first became aware of the changes because she has had a slight personality disorder for the last few days. We are thinking it might be her teeth starting to come in. Her fingers are always in her mouth and she is drooling a lot. She just seems to be really uncomfortable most of the time.

The good news of today is that Nora decided that she would take the pacifier! Thank God! My pinky is free. For those of you that don't know, Nora has used my pinky finger as her pacifier for the last five months. Don't ask how it got started, but it has been a chore. SO...I was thrilled when she decided that today was the day for her to take the pacifier during her nap.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Nora and the Twins

After Ethan and Logan's baptism on Saturday, we thought it would be fun to get all three of the babies lined up on the couch to pose for a picture. Nora seemed fascinated with Logan's toes...while Ethan was just looking for someone to cuddle with. From left to right: Logan, Nora and Ethan.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Nora's first day at school! Mrs. French and Mrs. Carter showed Nora around my former 3rd and 4th grade classroom today. She did very well the whole time and didn't seem to mind the noise as much as I did!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Green Poo Has Arrived

Nora sampled avocado last night. She wasn't real keen on the taste, but had a few bites. She didn't mind it mixed in with a little squash. The fun part of the taste test was the present she left in her diaper for me this morning. GREEN POO! It was exciting to see something other than the standard orange.

Nora also has a new trick: she is able to make her excersaucer go around in circles. The excersaucer is the new version of a walker with lots of stimulating toys all around it. The one we have has one weighted leg and the other two have wheels. I took the brake off yesterday and Nora started walking in circles immediately. She also greatly enjoys the Johnny Jumper that our friends loaned to us. I'm ok with these activities, but I'm a little worried that it will encourage walking too soon!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

All four generations enjoying some time together this weekend.

Marjorie and Tracy taking their turn feeding Nora.

I love Chloe and she loves me! Nora had a wonderful time playing with her Godparents and Chloe this weekend. Nora would stick her hands out and ask for licks from Chloe!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Playing on the changing table with Daddy

Bananas suck

It has been confirmed that Nora does not like bananas just like her daddy. She seems to prefer their orange vegetable counterparts. Squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots are a much better choice for Nora these days. We will soon try peas and green beans that I made this week. It was frustrating that the peas and green beans made such a small final product because of their large volume of skins and inner beans. The recently purchased food mill was a great help in separating the eatable from 'yucky' parts.

Is that your mouth Daddy?

Monday, March 07, 2005

I can't get them both in my mouth!

Am I cute or what?

Busy Weekend

Nora has had a busy weekend of growing and developing. She is doing the most amazing things! We now hear Nora's voice at all times. She is always talking with whom or what ever she is playing and everything she says sure sounds important! I wish there was a baby translator available.

She is now a hazard at the table. She frequently sits on one of our laps while we are out having coffee or eating a meal. We have to be very careful that there aren't any cups, plates, or utensils anywhere near Nora because she is capable of picking them up or tipping them over.

Nora had her first taste of sweet potatoes this weekend. She is in love with them so much that she isn't too into the rice and oatmeal anymore. A blend must be concocted to trick her into eating the comparably bland grains.

If this much can happen in one weekend, I can't imagine what is going to happen in the next month!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

My fancy robe from Auntie Pea

Squash, squash, everywhere squash. Nora was so excited about eating today that she wanted her hands to help the food into her mouth. Squash in the eyelashes is quite difficult to get out!

It's Working!

Nora is successfully transitioning to a two nap a day schedule. It is not easy trying to keep her awake for four hours at a time, but she is a trooper. The most difficult part is getting her to stay down for two hours per nap. We're still a work in progress. This evening was a success as she stayed awake from 3:45 to 8:15: 4 1/2 hours! Hopefully she'll sleep until 7:00 tomorrow morning instead of the 6:00 kick that she's been on lately.