Monday, May 30, 2005

Long Weekend

This was a very productive weekend. On Saturday morning, we were able to take all of Nora's "baby" stuff to our storage space: the cradle, preemie and 0-3 month clothes, and all nursing related paraphernalia. We spent Saturday afternoon cleaning up after a dead person (I'll explain to those interested) and then had some great pizza in the neighborhood we hope to move to in the next year or so. On Sunday Nora helped us paint the bathroom and Grandpa and Grandma arrived.

We had a great dinner on Sunday night. We got to sit outside and eat everything fried and I had a pleasure of having a beer dumped on my lap by our sweety. Grandpa and I drove home quickly to change and made it back just it time for our greasy madness. Delish!

This morning we headed over to Nana and Papa's house for a great day of food and laying around. Nora went on a walk with Nana while Brian and I cleaned our respective vehicles. It was the first time I've hand washed and waxed my car! I've only had it for two and a half years ;-)

Hope you enjoy the pictures of our exicting day!

"Bye bye Grandma! We had a great time seeing you last night and today!"

Spit bubbles at 7:30 in the morning?

Waking up on Memorial Day

Grandma made sure Nora didn't face-plant on the blanket

Nora had a blast!

It was such an exciting afternoon that Nora fell asleep right in the middle of all of it!

So Grandma and I decided to join her

Sunday, May 22, 2005

"Oh my Nana! I didn't get any in my mouth yet!"

What's up Grandpa?

"Charlie, I think this is a little too big for me!" Nora had a great time on her first boat ride on Lake Michigan. Our good friend Charlie enjoyed watching Nora giggle everytime he hit the throttle!

"Mom, did you have to rub my food into my face just for this picture?"

It was a beautiful day in Madison and we enjoyed a long walk on the east side.

Nora's most recent trip to Madison involved riding the doggie and visiting with her godparents. "Yummy Nora, you are tasty!"

Nora and neighbor Grace enjoyed some time together on the floor

"Ana, I just want to hold your hand!"

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Big Day

Today was momentous for four reasons: It is Grandpa's birthday, Nora held her bottle by herself for 30-40 seconds, Nora had her first daycare experience, and her bottom left tooth broke through the skin.

Nora held her bottle out of sheer desperation today because I watched Amy's daughter, Ana for a couple of hours while Amy got her hair cut. I was trying to feed both babies and was very unsuccessful. Nora got the raw end of the deal and decided that she wasn't going to miss out on any milk time while I fed Ana. Necessity breads ingenuity. Isn't that the saying?

Nora experienced Bally's childcare for the first time today. I found out that members get 2 hours of free daycare each day for children over 6 months. Needless to say, I was there immediately. Nora had a blast watching the other children run around. She was the youngest there by 8-10 months. I had a blast working out and having an hour to myself.

Her tooth officially made its presence known today. Nora is still very sensitive about having anyone get too long of a look at the tooth, but I can feel it. We'll see if any of its partners decided to join in the near future. It looks like there may be two teeth there very soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Nora's front left tooth is right below the surface of her gum. She is extremely uncomfortable in the evenings when she is trying to go to sleep. Hopefully it will come out soon and make way for the next painful teeth!

Nora's Auntie Pea left today for New York. They had such a great time together and I was able to have a lot of freedoms that I don't usually have. I think I would enjoy having a live-in nanny ;-)

Nora is sitting up on her own for about 20-25 seconds on a regular basis. I think she would have greater success if she didn't get so excited about everything around her! The littlest pile on the rug will make her dive for the potential of holding it in her hand. Sitting doesn't seem to be a priority when there is something that needs to be in her hand.

Last night, when we were out for dinner, a passer by made the most prolific comment since Nora was born: "That is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Good job. Make more." So there it is, we must make more. But you know what they say, practice makes perfect.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Nora's first swimming pool experience was a success!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Grandpa holding Nora at his last big concert before retirement. What a great day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Nora's friend Ana is letting her borrow her exersaucer for a couple months. Nora is excited to have some new toys to play with!

Monday, May 09, 2005


Sleep and Auntie Pea

Nora's sleeping habits are beginning to improve! The last two nights she has gone to sleep very easily and not made a peep until we find her cooing in her crib between 6:30 and 7:00. I think being outside a lot this weekend really helped wear her out.

This morning I decided to take a trick that has worked into the car and apply it to her morning nap. There is a French song that she falls asleep to without fail every time we are in the car. I put it on repeat this morning and she played in her crib for about 30 minutes before she fell asleep on her own. I'd have to say that this is the first time that has happened in the last two months. Hopefully this is a sign that her naps are going to get back on schedule!

We are really looking forward to seeing Auntie Pea this week. Auntie Pea and I are going to play Grandpa's last big concert before he retires. Hopefully Nora's ears will be able to tolerate the loud music! Nora will experience a swimming pool for the first time this weekend too. We got a little exersaucer-like water flotation thingy for her to float around in. I think she is really going to like it.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Enjoying Uncle Eric and Aunt Ruth's backyard on Mother's Day

Nana and Nora playing on Mother's Day

"What are you talking about? My dress is much prettier than yours!"

Mommy and Nora on Mother's Day

"Daddy look! Mommy is taking my picture!"

I still think that sticking out my tongue is part of smiling.

Here's Nora posing for Mother's Day in her Parisian dress from her friends Biz and Manue.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Teeth and Firsts

We can actually see Nora's bottom right tooth right under the skin tonight! She is in an extremely good mood considering. It might explain why she will chew on anything that gets remotely close to her mouth.

Today was filled with a few of 'firsts' for Nora. This morning Nora had her first experience at the Madison farmer's market. She had a great time looking at all the flowers and people passing by while Mommy and Daddy filled their bag with tomatoes, cheese, jerky, and lots of other yummies. Nora especially enjoyed the African drumming group right off the square. She was dancing like crazy in the Baby Bjorn. In the afternoon, Daddy exposed Nora to her first biker store. Nora helped Daddy by a helmet and gloves for his new motorcycle while Mommy played football (and won!).

Hopefully Nora will go to sleep tonight a little better than she has for the past few evenings.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"Naps stink!" exclaims Nora.

Naps are still a difficult topic for discussion around the Remfrey house. Nora seems to take one long nap each day, but not one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She frequently falls asleep when she is supposed to, but once she is put down in her crib, she wakes up right away. Not fun. Right now she is sleeping next to my leg on the couch. Seems to work for now, but if I get up, game over.

I've tried putting her in her crib and sitting in the rocker so she can see me while she is trying to fall asleep. That simply turns into play time rather than nap time. I DON'T GET IT!

Nora continues to enjoy her bananas and Cherrios. She is able to pick up both, but then doesn't see them anymore because they are in the palm of her hand. I'm putting another piece of what ever it is in her mouth so she sees the correlation between picking up the object and food in her mouth. The next step is for her to figure out the step in between. Backward chaining. I wish I didn't know all this behavioral analysis junk!

Monday, May 02, 2005

She's Asleep!!!

You won't believe it...Nora is actually taking a nap, all by herself! I'm thrilled and am hoping that this is a sign that she is going to get back to her regular schedule. I'm going to work on being very strict with it this week to get her back in the swing of things.

She hasn't been eating very well lately, but my doctor assured me that just getting a few bites of food is enough because of all the milk she drinks in a day. The bad thing about it is that I have to throw away a lot of baby food because it has already been heated up and she doesn't want to eat it! I guess lots of babies go through this stage when they are more interested in the real bits of food that they are offered. It's true! Nora would much rather naw on a few cherrieos, bananas, and anything else we put near her than pureed food.

All the things a mother has to worry about!

Nora loves her Cheerios.

Nora's new highchair for Nana and Papa's house. The tongue is still out there!