Monday, September 25, 2006


No is in full affect around these parts. We have to work really hard at not phrasing anything as a question anymore. Her newest sentence is "Mommy, don't do that!" or "Daddy, don't do that!"

She is also into bodily functions. Poopie is really funny and farting as well. "P U, I stink" is something that she likes to start conversations with. Brian was pouring water into the tub from a cup and she exclaimed: "The water is peeing!"

I'm listening to Brian give Nora a bath at the moment and I think I've heard "NO" at least 20 times already!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Too Long!

It has been a long time since we've made a post. Sorry about that! Nora has gone back to daycare, I've started back to school, and we are in the process of buying a house. Needless to say, things have been a little crazy.

Nora has not had the best transition back to daycare. She cries for a couple of minutes every morning when we drop her off. I think it is her age and the fact that she understands much more that Mommy and Daddy are leaving her. I'm sure it has to be difficult going from spending 24/7 with me to being back at daycare again. Some mornings she sits in her car seat exclaiming, "No friends! No friends today!" It's pretty heart breaking.

Sleeping has also been difficult lately. Putting her to bed can take up to an hour and she usually wakes up in the middle of the night at least once. This too shall pass ;-)

Her language is really coming along. We can sit and have a full conversation with her now. She is also reading along with us when we are reading her three or four standard books. She knows almost all the words to Dr. Seuss' ABC book, Duck on a Bike, Goodnight Moon, and a couple others. Her favorite thing to say at the moment is "Nora farted" or "Mommy or Daddy farted." She cracks me up!