Saturday, November 26, 2005

Long Time No See

Sorry it's been so long since my last entry. Things have been a little crazy here.

Brian has officially started his new job and moved to Seattle. He is living in an apartment that MS has given us until February 1st of next year. I will be joining him to look at rental properties (we can't make up our mind on where to live out there and can't swollow the house prices yet) next weekend. He will be back here every weekend until the holidays when we will officially move to Seattle.

Nora is officially a full-fledged walker. She would much rather walk everywhere than be held. She is quite good at telling us this as well! Her vocabulary is also coming along wonderfully. She is able to say down, done, more, row, hi, mama, dada, and some other things I can't think of right now. She has also become quite good at feeding herself with a spoon. Yogurt is her favorite thing to feed herself at the moment. She is also down to a bottle in the morning and one before bed. Those two will easily be replaced with the sippy cup soon.

Her biggest issue right now are her bottom molars are really hurting her. It has made sleeping at night very difficult.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the whole family and ate ourselves silly. I was expecting Nora to like the turkey more than she did, but we'll have many more chances for her to try it as we have leftovers for at least a week.

Ta Da!

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First Haircut!

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We had a great celebration today with the entire family. We ate huge amounts of turkey and all of the yummy things that go along with it. Nora didn't have the patience to sit through the whole meal with us, so she started exploring around on her own and chasing her uncle Eric around the room.

We haven't posted anything in a while because things have been quite busy...we are getting ready for the big move to Seattle in a few weeks. Nora keeps growing every day and is now walking with confidence. She has also started to eat with a spoon, which she demonstrated to our surprise this morning with her yogurt!

Lots of pictures were taken today...they will be posted soon!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Long bangs

Nora got her first barrettes this week. Her bangs are getting so long that they are in her eyes. Unfortunately, she doesn't leave the 'pretty' in her hair for very long! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 14, 2005

Banana pancakes are deeeelicious

This morning we had banana pancakes and clementines for breakfast. Nora scarfed down a whole plate of Mickey-Mouse-shaped pancakes and helped me tear the peel off of the clementines.

She is doing very well at using signs to tell us whether she wants "more" or if she is "all done". Signs are much more effective in comparison to what she used to do: take fistfuls of food and fling them from one corner of the room to the other.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I love purses!

Nora's new favorite thing is emptying my purse and playing with everything. I dug out an old purse and we've filled it with things for her to pull out, play with, put back into the purse, and start the process all over again. She can do this for up to 30 minutes alone! Posted by Picasa

Look familiar?

This must be the Johnson in her! Butt up! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 07, 2005

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

We're Moving!

Daddy has officially accepted an offer with Microsoft in Seattle, WA. He is going to be moving there at the end of this month and we will be joining him after Christmas.

We are all very excited about these new opportunities and hope that we will have lots of visitors in Seattle!