Sunday, June 22, 2008

Discovery Park

Busy Week

Thursday: Pictures at JC Penny's - a link to the photos will be posted soon. Just in time for the photo shoot, Nic sat up on his own!
Auntie Pea here for a week before she moves to Maine for her new job.

Friday: Nora went to the ENT and found out that she will have her ear tubes removed on July 21st.
Nora and Nic stayed home with Auntie Pea while Mommy went to a meeting for her social skills business.

Saturday: Neighborhood Rummage Sale - Daddy sold his motorcycle!
Nora had her last ballet class at the community center. She is now being enrolled in a REAL ballet school in Kirkland with her good friend Mila.

Sunday: The whole fandamily went to Discovery Park and went on a nice long hike. Nora was asleep in the stroller on the way up from the beach. Nic had his first ride in the backpack carrier. He loved it!

Nic is now eating anything we put in front of him. He loves bananas, peas, sweet potato, squash, oatmeal, and rice. He also enjoys gnawing on chunks of apples, pears, and oranges. He's still sleeping like a rock star. He never stays up more than two hours between naps and is asleep by 7:00 pm and we don't hear a peep until 6:00 am. Good thing Nora broke us in because we were expecting him to still be up at least once a night and we've been pleasantly surprised.

Nic's favorite thing to do right now is scream like a pterodactyl. We remember hearing these sounds from Nora, but Nic has perfected them. He also has a lovely scream/grunt that he has learned from the other little girl that our nanny watches. He tenses up his whole body, shakes a bit, and makes his new crazy sound. It is funny at home, but in the restaurant this morning, it was a bit embarrassing!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Hunger Strike

I know Nora did this at some point too, but Nic is refusing to drink much more than about 15 oz of formula a day! He is still a huge fan of his green beans, but he hates the bottle at the moment. I'm trying not to be paranoid, but after the doctor told me his weight is down into the 5th percentile at his 6th month visit, I'm feeling flustered. I know his body will eat what it needs and for some crazy reason, Brian and I make skinny babies, but this is unnerving. Any suggestions?

I think all of this has something to do with the fact that he is getting is bottom two teeth. I can feel them right under the skin and he will not let me get close enough to get a peek. But goodness sakes Margie, ya gotta eat!