Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Poop Position

Yes, Nora has a poop position. While Nora is sitting on the toilet, I usually sit right in front of her on the step stool. Recently, she has made me lean in to her and she puts her head on my left shoulder and I put mine on her left shoulder. Then she says, "Put your arms around me." This must give her comfort while doing the deed because not seconds after the position is assumed, the poop drops out of her!

Strange but true. The things a mommy will do to get her child to poop on the potty!

Newest find

Nora has a birthmark! It is a small little brown circle right behind her right ear. Cutest little thing I've ever seen.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Stacking Blocks at Macy's

Enjoying Macy's

Riding the Carousel downtown Seattle

Thanksgiving Dinner with Nora's new friend, Cynthia

Fun with Auntie Pea's Scarf

Rolls rising and the turkey staying warm

Reading Curious George while waiting for the turkey to cook

Big girl underwear!

Putting up the lights

A walk to the neighborhood park


We celebrated Thanksgiving in our new house this week with Dwayne, Rachel, Amber and Cynthia, one of Amber's housemates who is from Kenya.

Nora wasn't too fond of the turkey, and ended up reading a book during dinner. She is definitely enjoying having so many people around to play with and being the center of attention. We made lots of play-doh snowmen together over the past couple of days.

On Friday we put up our Christmas tree, and Nora enjoyed helping Mommy and Auntie Pea put up the lights. She did not quite understand the concept of leaving the ornaments on the tree, and for every one that we put on, she would hand one back to us.

Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Better Late than Never

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It's a Success!

Nora has made it through three days of daycare with only one accident! She has been doing quite well at home as well, but last night we got both a pee pee and poopieccident. The best accident so far has been the poopie in the bath tub. I heard a shout from Nora's bathroom from Brian the other night, "Your turn!" Brian cleaned up the last bathtub poo, but it was delagated to me this time. The tub and warm water must be the best place to poo if you know you can't do it in your new Elmo underwear!

I'm really proud of her that she is holding it on the new and improved 30-45 minute car ride to and from daycare every day. The teachers put a sticker on her chart every time she goes on the potty at school. For the first time, I walk into daycare and look to see if she has on the same clothes. It takes on a whole new meaning now!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Raking the backyard

Raking the backyard
Originally uploaded by binmke.
We moved into the new house this weekend. April and Nora got to work right away cleaning up the leaves in the backyard.


Nora made it through her first weekend of a diaper free butt! I thought it would be the perfect time to transition while all the transitions were happening at once.

So far, we've had only one accident (the poop sensation seems to be much harder than the other).

She's on a one hour schedule and daycare is taking care of it while she's there. She was so freaking proud to show her teachers her Elmo underwear this morning!

I just picked up two children's books (one by Fred Rogers) about going pee-pee (as we call it) on the potty. Anything with Mr. Rogers on the front will be loved by Nora and her daddy :-)

Stay posted for further updates.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Nora joins our demolition crew

We finally got the keys to our new house this week, and we are having the floors re-done. We spent most of the weekend tearing up the old "1970's casino floor"-style carpet and the engineered wood floors in the kitchen in order to make way for the new oak flooring.

It's not our usual idea of family fun on the weekends, but we all had a great time.

Nora helped by drawing all over the floors with markers. We explained to her that this was the ONLY time in her life that she would be able to do she enjoyed it!

I started tearing away at the carpeting and old engineered floor. I never knew how theraputic crowbars, hammers and big scary-looking utility knives could be. The destruction continued well into the evening hours.

April spent most of the day keeping Nora away from the aforementioned crowbars, hammers and big scary-looking utility knives. Here is a picture of her with the hammer...she wanted to "go boom boom boom like Daddy".

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