Sunday, February 27, 2005


Nora has enjoyed her first couple of ounces of butternut squash this weekend. We were so excited about the possibility of seeing some amazing faces that we had the camera locked and loaded. To our extreme disappoinment, Nora simply took the squash and ate it just like she would rice or oatmeal. There was a little recognition of the difference in taste and texture, but the desire to eat it as quickly as possible took over.

The next big step in the Remfrey house is a new eating and sleeping schedule that is starting today. Nora is going to (try to) be moved from five naps to three naps during the course of the day. Hopefully this will lead her to take longer naps when she lays down. We're trying for one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one short nap in the evening. Hopefully this will also result in her nightime sleeping to be extended from 9 hours to 11 or 12 hours. We'll keep you posted! Any suggestions from all those parents out there?

Monday, February 21, 2005

Playing by myself

Rice and Oatmeal Are My Friends

Twice a day Nora is treated with Oatmeal and Rice cereals. She loves taking the 'big-girl-spoon' and eats nearly a 1/3 cup each time. This is a picture of her after she devoured her cereal and knew the dreaded wet wash cloth was going to be coming at her soon.

Next Monday we will begin the orange vegetables: squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes. They are all in the freezer awaiting their debut. Hopefully we will be getting a video camera this week in order to capture the first reactions to the new foods.

Oatmeal is yummy

I love to be Naked!

Naked Nora

Naked Nora

It's true...Nora prefers to be naked! Every time we change her clothes she is in heaven and gets very upset as soon as we start to put her clothes on. So lately, Nora has been enjoying some naked time in the evenings. I completely understand that it is much more comfortable without those darn things that some one a long time ago decided that we had to cover up with. Nora has figured it all out and she is only four and a half months.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

One of Many

I'm sure this strand of thoughts surrounding poo is just the one of many to come.

Yesterday Nora had her first poo of substance. The fibrous oatmeal cereal is much better for her little GI tract than the rice cereal. I would be able to compare her poo to a thick bowl of split pea soup. Yummy, huh?

My guess is that there will be picture soon if our obsession with this topic continues. Stay tuned. Oh wonder of wonders.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Smelly Poo

After a full week of rice cereal, Nora had her first taste of oat cereal today. She didn't seem to notice the difference as she was gulping down every last bit that I put into her mouth. I had no idea she could ever be so hungry. Next week we will finish off the tasting of the grains with barley. Then on to the orange foods. I made sweet potato, carrot, and squash baby food this weekend for Nora's excited tastebuds.

I'm looking forward to the exciting rainbow of colors in Nora's poo, but I had no idea that she could smell as horrible as she does. She used to fart and we would laugh and she farts and we run. How can such a small little human create such foul gases? She must be a product of her mommy and daddy!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Domes

Today Nora and I went on a little outing. A few miles away from home there are three botanical domes that I decided would be exciting for Nora. We packed everything up and had our first quite car ride in about three weeks. That was exciting in and of itself!

Upon arrival, I put Nora in the Baby Bjorn and we headed inside. She loved the dome with the model trains traveling around. She seemed to enjoy the other two as well. As soon as I stepped out of the third and final dome into the enormous breeze way, Nora started wailing. I still can't believe that the doctors were worried about her lungs. She filled up the breeze way in the domes without any problem. I don't know if she was upset that we left the 'rainforest' or was just tired, but it was obviously time to go.

I quickly put Nora in her car seat and started home. After a few minutes of crying, she was sound asleep. She continued to sleep for another half an hour after we got home. Nice!

The rice cereal went well again today. She ate about 10 spoonfuls as compared to yesterday's 5. She also smiled quite a bit while eating! I think we're on a roll. I'm looking forward to the new and exciting presents that will be in her pants ;-)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I thought I would try to wait, but that never really works for me.

While at Nora's four month appointment, as you may recall, the doctor told us it was ok to start rice cereal at any time. So, for lunch yesterday I thought I would see if Nora's tongue thrust was starting to disappear. Not only is it gone, but she willingly opened her mouth as the spoon came toward her! Although, the cereal can't taste that much different than my milk because it is primarily my milk! We'll work on thickening it later. For now, I just want to make sure that this eating-from-a-spoon thing starts off well for her.

More to come!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Rollin' along

Nora just rolled from her stomach to her back...both to the right and left! It is still amazing to me that one day she can't do something and then all of a sudden she can do it. Her brain is obviously growing enormously all the time.

I am feeling sad everyone once in a while about the fact that Nora will never be a newborn again! We won't see her first smile again or hear her first laugh. Is this what makes people have more children?

On a positive note, my breast is back to normal! It took three whole days to go back to normal. I have to be on antibiotics for another 8 days to help protect from infection. Unfortunately that only protects from bacterial infections and encourages other types of infections :-0

Pooh sweatshirt

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Posing for Daddy

Playing with Daddy on Superbowl Sunday

Saturday, February 05, 2005

The Joys of Breastfeeding

So, after four months of breastfeeding, my right boob has given out. Not in the shrivel-up-and-die kind of way, but the imploding kind of way. I officially have mastitis of the titty. Yup, that is the technical terminology (at least the mastitis part is). The unofficial term is blocked duct. It hurts terribly. Everything I read said to put warm compresses on it and to massage it while nursing. I did all that and 24 hours later I'm in more pain than I was when this started.

Last night I was up every 2 hours pumping because when the blocked duct fills up with milk it just backs up. Not a pleasant experience. In hopes of relieving some of the discomfort, I went to Target (because Target has everything I could ever hope for) and went directly to the breast feeding section. There were these funky (HUGE) pads that were filled with a gel-like substance that said they could be warmed in the microwave and placed in your bra. I knew that it was hot when I put it in my bra, but I didn't know how hot it really was until I took it out to nurse Nora. There were bright red splotches all around my boob. They didn't look too bad in the very dimly lit nursery. Only when I looked at them in the mirror did I realize that I had 2nd degree burns all around my boob! I am somehow going to get in contact with the company that made these horrible things and let them know what a terrible product they have. Luckily, I can't feel the burns because the rest of the pain overpowers the burns.

The phone call to the OB on-call led to her calling in a prescription at the 24 hour Walgreens for an antibiotic that I have to be on for 10, count them 10, days. She told me that I don't have to stop nursing. I would have been crushed if I did! That would have messed everything up. Hopefully I won't be up every two hours during the night tonight to pump because it hurts so bad. Even right when Nora came home I wasn't up that much in the night.

This kid is going to owe me, big time!

Slobber and Giggles

Our first walk of the new year.

Friday, February 04, 2005

4 month check up

We just returned from the doctor's office about a half an hour ago (1:30). We left our place for the 5 minute drive at 10:30! I'll start from the beginning.

At about 10:00 this morning I gave Nora a dose of Tylenol to combat the pain and suffering that she was about to endure. A quick nurse and we were off to the doctor. I was most excited about finding out how much she weighed and least excited about hearing her scream bloody-murder during the four shots she would have.

We went downstairs and packed up everything in my car. I turned the key and it didn't even turn over. SO...we unpacked the car and hoofed it to B's car out in the parking lot. I guess it's time for a new battery.

We arrived at the doctor's office 15 minutes early, per their request. We sat in the waiting room for 30 minutes before the nurse called us in. Why? Because that is how doctors work I guess.

I had to immediately undress Nora to have her weighed and measured. She measured 23 and a half inches (I guess my 24 inch measurement last month was a little generous). Off came the diaper. As I walked Nora across the room to put her on the ancient scale, she decided it was the perfect time to relieve herself all over my shirt. I have a pee soaked shirt. What an aroma. She weighed 11 pounds 8 ounces. Not as much as I had hoped, but going in the right direction. She is still in the 20th percentile for her age group for her weight, 25th for her height, and 50th for her head circumference. "It's like an orange on a toothpick!"

The doctor wasn't sure if Nora could have all of her 4 month shots as well as the RSV shot because there is a limit on the number of cc's that can be injected into a little baby. After a long time of calculating (isn't that just addition?) and conferring with the other doctors in the office, we were given the ok to have all four shots at once. She had the first three shots (screamed like hell) and then we had to wait for 20 minutes while the RSV shot cooked. I guess they have to have the baby's exact weight and then there is a formula for combining the ingredients for the shot. I calmed Nora by nursing her and faking her out that the pain was over. After the RSV shot (more screaming), we had to sit in the room for another 20 minutes to make sure Nora didn't go into shock or something. She didn't last time, so I don't know why she would have this time.

All this said and done, it took three hours to have Nora's 4 month check up! I'm pooped and it's only 2:15! Good thing I don't have a hot date tonight ;-)

Nora and I are enjoying her Tylenol induced slumber.

The most exciting thing the doctor told me is that we can start Nora on rice cereal soon! Maybe this will help her gain a little more weight. Brian will be putting the high chair together this weekend and we'll be returning the swing to our friends. When something new comes in, something old must go out. That is the nature of having a small condo.

I better change my shirt. The cat is sniffing at me strangely.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Nora and her new friend Skylar

New Friend

Here is a picutre of Nora and her new friend Skylar. Can you imagine having kids that close in age? It is barely possible (9 months apart).

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


The first cold of Nora's life has arrived. Unfortunately it took its path through me. I started getting a cold on Sunday and was washing my hands like a crazy woman and only kissing Nora on the back of her head, on her tummy, legs, feet, oh I could just kiss her everywhere. But I really tried to refrain from kissing her face. It has been difficult, but I've stuck to it. It obviously didn't work because Nora is snotty today. It isn't in a place where we can suck it out with that horrible snot sucking (make the baby cry) ball. It is in the back of her throat and she can't cough it out.

I rubbed some Vics Vapor Rub on her chest tonight before she went to bed and had crazy flashbacks. I distinctly remember wondering if my mom's had went numb as she rubbed that smelly stuff onto my chest and neck after which she covered me with a cloth diaper. The Vics for babies is much less toxic smelling and didn't make my hand go numb at all. It really hit me that I am now a mommy as I was rubbing the slimy stuff into the chest of my daughter.

All of this snot has made us stay in for most of the week. Stir crazy should have been the subtitle of this entry because that is how I've been feeling. I practically threw Nora at Brian as he walked in the door after work tonight. I'm not sick of being around Nora, I just am sick of being here. I went out for coffee with my soon-to-be business partner to discuss our 'mission statement.'

Man, babies just take and take ;-) I'm looking forward to reaping the benefits of giving and giving.

New comments thingy

Some of you who have tried to leave comments on this blog in the past have had some difficulty, because you were forced to create an account before you could post your comment. I think we have the comments function fixed. Give it a try!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

New, New, New

What wonderful friends we have! They have realized that clothing a baby is expensive and have offered us numerous, ok, tons of clothes for Nora to wear. We came home from their house with two-20 gallon tupperware containers packed with clothes. There was even a silk dress included! If I'm not able to fit into any 'dry-clean-only' clothing, my 4 month old daughter doesn't get to wear any either!

Here are a few of the most recent picts...Nora is sporting two of her new outfits. In one of the pictures you'll notice that Nora is propped up without any help from us. This is her newest trick.

Nora's new trick: sitting in the corner of the couch

Ol' Blue Eyes

Nora talking to Daddy