Saturday, December 31, 2005

First visit to Pike Place Market

First visit to Pike Place Market
Originally uploaded by binmke.
We spent the first part of the morning at Pike Place Market today. We had a yummy breakfast in a place with a view of the Sound, then went up and down the market looking at all the things for sale. We bought big shrimp and scallops for our New Years Eve dinner!

We made it!

We have all arrived safe and sound in Seattle. Nora did a great job in the plane and provided lots of entertainment for the other passengers.

Yesterday was Nora's first day at her new daycare. The room is easily 3 times as big as the one she had at the daycare in Milwaukee. We came in and watched her for the first 10 minutes, to make sure she would make the adjustment to the new place. In no time, she was running around with the other kids, playing with the toys, and stopping to listen to one of the teachers read a book.

She ended up taking a 2-hour nap, and last night she slept from 7 PM to 5 AM without getting up once. This is the first time she has slept all the way through the night in over a week.

Grandpa also got to try out his new webcam with us and watched Nora eat dinner. Nora thought it was pretty neat to see Grandma and Grandpa on the screen in front of her, and even offered them bites of her hot dog.

Today we're going downtown to Pike Place Market and the Seattle Children's will be posted soon!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What is going on?

Mommy and Daddy have been running around like crazy people for the past couple of days. Today they woke me up at 5 am to take Auntie Pea to the airport and then Mommy got a funny looking rental car at the airport because her car is being put on a truck for a long ride. I get to go play with Nana and Papa while all our stuff is put in boxes. I sure hope they don't forget any of my books and toys. I wouldn't be happy about that.

Mommy also told me that we get to ride in first class on Thursday, what ever that means. All I know is that Daddy has to sit back in the 'cheap' seats during our flight.

I'll let you know when we've arrive in our new house!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Friday, December 16, 2005


Maybe I should pick up my clothes after showering from now on! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

New Job

Nora's new favorite job is helping unload the dishwasher. She hasn't quite figured out when the dishes are clean or dirty, but we're working on that. Posted by Picasa

Let me help Mommy!

 Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 12, 2005


Nora is still sick, but she graciously gave Baby Jesus a kiss to make him feel better. She had a slight temperature this morning and still had a horrible sounding cough. We call her the Motrin baby. Posted by Picasa

Nativity Set

This is the nativity set that I got for our wedding! Finally someone can enjoy playing with it ;-) Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 09, 2005

Next Illness?

Croup it is. It seemed that we were on the right track to a healthy December when a barking seal emerged from Nora's bedroom this morning. I immediately recognized the sound from when Uncle Drew was little and standing in the upstairs bathroom with the shower running for hours. I still remember the condensation running down the wallpaper.

After a quick visit to the doctor, I learned that croup is going around and not to worry. Despite the horrible sounding cough, Nora has been in wonderful spirits. She and I had a great time playing together today. She is very contagious and couldn't be around other children today or for the next few days for that matter. Darn, had to use a sick day ;-) I'm happy to be in a position where it isn't a big deal to stay home with Nora. Good thing I'm not very important right now.

On another note, hopefully Brian will make it home tonight from Seattle. His flight into Minneapolis was delayed because it is snowing there again. His flight lands at 10:10 and his next flight to Milwaukee leaves at 10:35. I sure hope he makes it! It would really make for a short weekend if he had to take the redeye. Nora has been saying "da da" all the time. She loves to hear him talk on the phone while watching him on the webcam!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Great News!

Nora has officially been cleared of having kidney reflux!!! She had a second VCUG yesterday and they saw no signs of reflux!

The urologist concluded that if Nora ever gets bladder infections, they directly progress to her kidneys without any warning. So as a precaution, she will continue to take a 1/4 does of antibiotics until her uterers extend into her bladder further. That should occur around the age of 3.

We were just thrilled to find out that not only does she not have kidney reflux, but she won't have to have surgery on her kidneys!



Things in the dual-Remfrey households have been difficult lately. It is hard to live apart like this. Especially for Brian and Nora. Nora has become quite good at talking on the phone. She frequently tried to kiss the phone and doesn't understand that Daddy can't see her gestures while she is listening to him.

All in all Nora has been coping very well. I'm sure when Brian gets home this weekend she will be absolutely thrilled to see him! I know he will be!

We have officially signed Nora up for a daycare in Redmond, WA. It is about 15 minutes from both of our jobs and the townhouse that we will be renting. Hopefully it will work out well. We were very happy with it while visiting a few places last weekend. We weren't too thrilled with the price tag of the first daycare, the second was pit, and we knew right away that the final one we looked at was going to be perfect. We are very excited about the BA Nora's daycare teacher has in music as well as early childhood! She is going to be running an extra music class that Nora will go to three days a week.

We're on the home stretch! We are officially moving on December 29th.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hello, little tree!

Hello, little tree!
Originally uploaded by binmke.
This one is from Nora's hike through Nana and Papa's back yard. She's grown so much that she's bigger than the trees!

Nora and Papa eating snow

Nora and Papa eating snow
Originally uploaded by binmke.
Papa, why are you eating all the snow? Can't I have some?

Nora and Nana playing outside

Nora and Nana playing outside
Originally uploaded by binmke.

Nora in the Snow

Nora walking in the snow
Originally uploaded by binmke.
Nora spent the weekend at Nana and Papa's house while we were doing some househunting in Seattle. She had a great time walking around in the snow and listening it crunch under her feet!