Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nic health update

Nic checked in to Seattle Children's Hospital late Thursday night. He's been diagnosed with RSV, a nasty virus that is camped out in his lungs.

The staff at Children's has been doing a great job looking after him. April and I are appreciative of everyone's help and positive thoughts. We hope to bring him home in the next day or so.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nic's first b-day

Nic's 1st Birthday

We had a small celebration for Nic's first birthday today. Check out the video to see how he did with his birthday cake.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Butt Up

In true Johnson fashion, Nic prefers to sleep with his butt sticking up in the air!

Nora still loves our trips on the ferry!

Nora and Daddy participated in the pumpkin carving contest at Karina and Paige's Halloween party last weekend. Nora used a new Light Bright technology that only requires the lid to be cut. She got runner up for best funny pumpkin! You can see Brian sporting his bee keeper costume while the rest of us in the family were the bees.

Houston, We Have a Tooth

Finally, after months of waiting, Nic has produced his first tooth along with hours of fun-filled screaming. He isn't letting us get anywhere near the tooth, so you'll have to wait patiently for pictures. I have a feeling the second tooth will be rearing its head soon as well!