Nora's physical therapy appointment was wonderful. I was very impressed with the woman we worked with. Nora's abductors are very tight (the muscles that allow you to sit indian style and have your knees touch the floor). Lisa (the physical therapist) performed a test on her where you give points (0 to 2) based on certain things she could do. She came out on that test as being at a 4 month level. The reason for the lower score is because she only got partial credit on many of the things she is already doing. She really prefers to only turn in one direction. She is still able to do the movement the PT was looking for, just not in both directions and that is what lowered her score. She is obviously functioning much higher than that. You special ed teachers out there know that these numerical scored tests are never completely accurate.
The PT and I worked on a few different stretches and movements that will help stretch Nora's muscles. It was the PT's opinion that Nora may have potentially had some low tone as a newborn and she has over compensated by tightening or stiffening those muscles as she has grown up. After one hour of working with the PT, Nora was much looser and was able to sit up on her own for about one minute! I was amazed!
She told me to put two diapers on her at night so her legs would be forced to spread out in her sleep. She is also supposed to stay out of the exersaucer because that promotes the tight legs that we are trying to get rid of. You were right, Auntie Pea...just not for the right reason.
I have to take Nora in after two weeks of working with her on some of these exercises to have her evaluated again and determine the next course of action. I think this is going to make a big difference and she will be moving around in no time.