We had another busy (and BEAUTIFUL) weekend. On Saturday, we went with some friends to the
Woodland Park Zoo, so that Nora could get some exposure to those animals she keeps reading about in all of her books. The zoo is absolutely amazing, laid out like a park with incredible trees native to the regions represented (Africa, SE Asia, etc.). Nora's favorite animal was the gorilla.
Nora's vocabulary continues to expand every day. Now she makes animal sounds, and can identify almost all of the animals in her book. My personal favorite is the rooster, which comes out sounding something like "ak...dooooooo!"
It was almost 60 degrees and sunny on Sunday, so we went to the store and bought flowers. Nora was very enthusiastic about helping mommy plant them...she loved playing with the potting soil and throwing clods of dirt off the balcony. It was a bit strange for us to be outside planting flowers in February.
Alas, no pictures as our camera seems to be malfunctioning.