Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Domes

Today Nora and I went on a little outing. A few miles away from home there are three botanical domes that I decided would be exciting for Nora. We packed everything up and had our first quite car ride in about three weeks. That was exciting in and of itself!

Upon arrival, I put Nora in the Baby Bjorn and we headed inside. She loved the dome with the model trains traveling around. She seemed to enjoy the other two as well. As soon as I stepped out of the third and final dome into the enormous breeze way, Nora started wailing. I still can't believe that the doctors were worried about her lungs. She filled up the breeze way in the domes without any problem. I don't know if she was upset that we left the 'rainforest' or was just tired, but it was obviously time to go.

I quickly put Nora in her car seat and started home. After a few minutes of crying, she was sound asleep. She continued to sleep for another half an hour after we got home. Nice!

The rice cereal went well again today. She ate about 10 spoonfuls as compared to yesterday's 5. She also smiled quite a bit while eating! I think we're on a roll. I'm looking forward to the new and exciting presents that will be in her pants ;-)

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