Friday, July 08, 2005

Goin' back to Cali

We just returned from a week-long trip through California for the Johnson family reunion and Uncle Drew's wedding. Nora didn't have any problems with flying or riding around in the RV. She got to meet a lot of her cousins and relatives last week...and really turned some heads at the "In and Out Burger" in Auburn, CA. Her crazy two-handed wave and smile were difficult for the folks to resist!

So many things happened on this trip. We got to hang out in the Sierra Nevadas for the family reunion, taking side trips out to Nevada City, the Yuba River, lunch with Mark Twain, and a ride on a catamaran on Lake Tahoe. Then we headed south to Yosemite National Park, where we attended Uncle Drew's wedding and spent a couple of days exploring the park on foot and with the RV. The scenery was spectacular everywhere we went.

Below are some highlights from the trip...the wedding, the hikes in Yosemite, riding around in the RV, and hanging out with the family. Special thanks go out to Grandpa for driving us all over California, Uncle Gene for sharing his beautiful spot in the mountains with us, and Auntie Pea for running interference for April and I. Nora was always in good hands.

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