Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Swimming Lessons

Nora had her first swimming lesson tonight. She was one of 10 other toddlers that are learning the basics about getting used to the water. We worked on kicking her feet, moving her arms in the freestyle stroke, blowing bubbles, two footed jumping (still pretty difficult for Nora) and the most fun, going completely under water.

Nora absolutely loved every minute of the class including going under water. It was the first time I had dunked her. I felt better with supervision and a specific way to do it. The teacher stressed keeping an excited look on your face when she came up and not simply pushing her down under the water. We were working on going back and forth in kind of a figure eight motion while singing the motor boat song. The final verse stopped and said, "One, two, THREE" and then she went under. Right when she came up she shouted, "AGAIN! AGAIN!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's terrific, Nora!! Your daddy didn't like his first dunking! In fact we had a hard time giving him a bath after that experience.