Monday, June 02, 2008

Hunger Strike

I know Nora did this at some point too, but Nic is refusing to drink much more than about 15 oz of formula a day! He is still a huge fan of his green beans, but he hates the bottle at the moment. I'm trying not to be paranoid, but after the doctor told me his weight is down into the 5th percentile at his 6th month visit, I'm feeling flustered. I know his body will eat what it needs and for some crazy reason, Brian and I make skinny babies, but this is unnerving. Any suggestions?

I think all of this has something to do with the fact that he is getting is bottom two teeth. I can feel them right under the skin and he will not let me get close enough to get a peek. But goodness sakes Margie, ya gotta eat!


Rorick Family said...

Libby is the same way but is always under the %ile. She has been poked and prodded for all kinds of diseases (celiac's included) and she is now called, "Failure to thrive." She went to the gastroenternologist and dietition. They said to load her up with calories and fat and leave food out for her to graze. Leah is at least on the %ile (5th)and they were going to do the same tests and I refused. If Nic is happy and having normal poops, let him be happy and spare him the pokes. It is horrible!

Andi said...

The high calorie formula plumped up our boys quickly.

I hope you don't have to go that route...dang it was expensive. Even with only feeding one that would be expensive.