Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nic's First Haircut

Tonight we got rid of Nic's Aryan hair (as Cousin Renee and Jake would describe it).

Long gone is the hair that sticks up three inches off the top of his head in a slight breeze.

The bubbles were a great distraction when the 'bang cut lady' brought out the buzzer for around his ears.

Nic did such a great job and came away with a great haircut. He and Nora were rewarded with quarters and went on all the rides.


FDR said...

What a great way to get that first haircut! Why didn't we think of bubbles? When we took Brian in for his first haircut the barber had to give up and asked us to leave.

Rachel said...

He looks like he had a great first haircut experience!

Andi said...

I hope all future haircuts go as smoothly!