Saturday, August 27, 2005

Five Teeth

I tried to get a picture, but to no avail. Nora's front two teeth have broken through the skin and her left "I" tooth is right below the skin. That brings the grand total to 5 teeth! We had no idea the second front tooth had broken through the skin because we were expecting the same horrible reaction as the first. I guess the premier top tooth got her ready for the pain she would experience for the next few because she has been just fine. The drool is never a signal either because she always drools like crazy.

Nora and Daddy are enjoying a trip to Home Depot as I enjoy a few minutes to myself. The first few days of work went just fine. Nora successfully made it through three days of daycare while making steady progress in the area of tolerating her peers. Wow, I really am in the work mode...that sounded like a response to an IEP goal! She'll be fine next week, but it will be hard being that it is a full week of every day.

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