Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ten Months Old

Nora is officially growing up quickly. I never thought that it was going to be time to put her in daycare, but here we are: three weeks from the beginning of daycare. I'm excited to see all the new things that she is going to learn from the children in her classroom. She is really into mimicking others, so it will be interesting. Hopefully she'll only learn the good things that the others do.

I'll give you a quick update on the happenings in Nora's life:

She loves to point at everything. This includes touching things with her pointer finger. Right now her favorite thing to touch is the cat. Can't say that Sydney is too thrilled with the attention.

She has discovered her nose. Great timing considering her pointer finger is quite adept at going anywhere and everywhere.

Nora is starting to pull herself up on things. While I was disrobing her for her bath this afternoon, she pulled herself up on the side of the bath tub. Yikes.

Favorite foods: mac and cheese (organic of course ;-), watermelon, and zucchini

She has started her transition to cow's milk. She drank about 4 ounces today and we'll slowly start increasing the cow's milk and decreasing the formula! Yeah! No more stinky powder!

The changing table is a circus act. Nora is able to do flips during diaper changes.

Nora continues to get all the attention when we go out. While at dinner tonight, she had four or five people stop by to oooh and aaah over her.

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