Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Nora's ability to put words together into sentences has really taken off. Every day she is learning more new words (although the definitions of some of them still require translation). Tonight's new one was daddy juice (beer).

We have the good fortune of living just a few minutes away from Trader Joe's (our faaaaavorite grocery store). The cashiers there give Nora stickers and balloons every time we go. It's a sick marketing ploy but it works incredibly well...Nora wanders around the house asking us for loon? ticker? loon? yeah!

Another one of her favorite activities is chatting with Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa on the webcam. Last night, when Grandma sang "The Wheels on the Bus" to her, Nora insisted that they sing "the kids on the bus go UP and DOWN" over and over again. Every time they sang "UP" she stood up, and when they sang "DOWN" she would flop down onto the chair.

Grandma tried to sing a different song, but Nora refused...she just kept saying "up dowww, up doww!"


Unplugged said...

Isn't language development SO FUN? It makes me wonder what is all stored up there just waiting for words to share with us.

Unplugged said...

Ana calls Justin's beer...."dada baba".