Thursday, October 05, 2006

Nora's new bike- vroom vroom!

When we got home yesterday there was a package waiting for Nora at the front door. Lo and behold, it was a birthday present from Uncle Eric and Auntie Ruth!

"Nora bike! Nora bike!" she said. "Vroom vroom!"

We opened the box and I started to pull out the parts. Nora looked at me with the gravitas of someone about to perform brain surgery. "Daddy help it?" she asked.

"Yes, daddy will put it together," I replied.

As soon as I got the frame put together, Nora started climbing over my arms to sit on it. She picked out random sockets from my socket set and handed them to me. "Here, daddy."

We put her on the bike and she rang the little bell on the handlebars with a huge smile on her face. "Good job daddy!" she said.

(incidentally - this is what she says anytime she hears someone in the bathroom. April emerged from the bathroom a couple of days ago and was congratulated by Nora for her amazing ability to use the potty all by herself. "Good job mommy!")

She hasn't figured out how to use the pedals yet but absolutely loves her new bike. Thanks Uncle Eric and Auntie Ruth! Posted by Picasa


Rorick Family said...

That is such a cute story about the bike. ;) Isn't such a boost of confidence to hear "good job" from a 2 yr. old after going potty? We get that too!

Ruth said...

Hooray!! Glad she likes it...