Monday, December 11, 2006

Big Girl Bed

Nora's 'big girl' bed is being delivered tomorrow! We (Brian) have taken apart the crib and changing table to make room for the big switch. Nora has been sleeping in 'Grandpa's' room (the guest room) for the past week or so. She has been putting her foot up on the side of the crib and all around feeling trapped. I don't want to wait until she falls on her head to make the change!

Yesterday, after her nap, Nora came walking into the kitchen saying, "Hi Mommy!". She didn't have to scream for someone to come and get her which puts her in a terrible mood.

It was recommended that we leave the bed on the floor for the first couple of months until she gets used to the width of the bed. We got a half-size box spring so it won't be as high as a normal bed too. I can't wait to be able to crawl in next to her to read books before going to sleep!


Unplugged said...

Brave brave soles...I'm DREADING this day, but know it is knocking on my doorstep as I type

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the guys could get out if they wanted to. I'm glad they haven't felt the urge yet! (I'm sure they'd end up sleeping together and then no one would be sleeping!)

Rorick Family said...

Yeah, it is great until they scare the crap out of you in the middle of the night.. standing right next to you!