Thursday, December 21, 2006

Science is FUN

We arrived safe and sound in Iowa yesterday. Nora is having a blast playing around with Grandpa and Grandma, and gosh it sure is nice to have electricity.

This afternoon we checked out the Imaginarium at the Grout Museum in Cedar Falls. It's the kind of place where school kids can go to learn about science. We had a really good time playing around with all of the exhibits and seeing Fluffy, the huge Burmese python. I think Nora's favorite was the gyroscope exhibit, which required her to stand on a platform and spin around and around and around. Despite being unable to walk in a straight line for several minutes afterwards, she pleaded with us to put her back on the spinner for another round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys made it OK. Give our best to the Johnsons.