Nora is really starting to get around well. She is crawling SO fast now that just turning your head means she could be in a different room when you look back seconds later. She is also becoming proficient at cruising. When she is standing up and holding onto a piece of furniture, she can walk all around it.
Her curiosity is so much fun to watch! She has some alphabet cards that she looks almost like she is reading them. She turns them around, brings them close to her face, then chooses another card. She really seems to enjoy extended times of independent play. (We like that too ;-)
We continue to have sleeping problems. Ever since she got sick, she wakes up frequently throughout the night. We're working on that.
Nora had her one-year-old pictures taken on Saturday afternoon. The lady at JCPenney was very impressed because she only had to take 10 pictures. All of them were wonderful and difficult to choose between. It was interesting listening to all the other screams and cries coming from the other studio rooms. All anyone could hear from our room was giggling!