Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Teeth, Meat and Milk

Nora's third top tooth has poked through the gum. She is working on the fourth tooth bringing the grand total to six teeth. These teeth are much bigger than the bottom teeth creating a very unhappy baby. She had two doses of Tylenol today and will prolly need the same tomorrow.

The teeth are a big help! Especially when she is chomping on her favorite food: pickles! Like mother, like daughter.

Nora had her first taste of meat tonight. Unfortunately she wasn't too into eating it, but that wasn't because of the taste so much as it was because her teeth are killing her. Nora and I went to the organic grocery store and got ground turkey, chicken breasts, and chicken hotdogs. We're also going to try the milk again also. A couple of ounces every day with lunch. Hopefully her little GI tract will slowly adjust to the changes.

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