Wednesday, September 14, 2005

104 degrees

That was Nora's temperature last night. Let me back up. Nora has been puking after her bottles for the past couple of days and not sleeping much at night. After an evening of about 2 hours of sleep between the two of us, Nora was sent home from daycare with a temp of 102. We took her to the doctor who told us to starting giving her Pedialite in small doses and just making sure she was loved and not becoming delirious.

When I took her temperature last night at about 9:00, it was a whopping 104. We called the doctor on call and she told us the same thing the doctor did earlier that day. Thankfully, Nora slept 5 hours straight last night, however, I had decided to stay home with her again just to make sure she was going to be ok. While watching the morning news, I learned that our school district was closed for the day because of power outages from the horrible wind storm we had last night. (They may be closed again tomorrow because Menomonee Falls was one of the worst hit in the area ;-)

Nora seemed to be doing well this morning as was playing on the rug as usual. She took a turn for the worst around 11:00 and was either crying or sleeping until about 4:00. She is again somewhat back to normal, but we'll see how the night goes. Poor thing!

Updates to follow.

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