Friday, September 16, 2005


Nora is doing pretty well this morning. She slept through the night (minus the two times the nurses had to check all her 'vitals') which was a huge change from the past week and a half. She is also playing quite a bit, but still sleeping a lot. She took a 2.5 hour nap this morning which is not normal at all for her. I guess her body is just working overtime to get rid of all this crap.

She had an ultrasound this morning of her kidneys. They didn't show any damage from the infection however she has a strange structural defect. She has two tubes coming out of one of her kidneys. The doctors aren't sure what that really means yet. It may just be one of those things that either Brian and I have that no one would know about if we didn't have all these machines to look into our bodies. It may mean that she is more likely to get kidney infections because there is more than one tube going between the kidney and bladder.

We have one more test at 2:30 that is an x-ray of her bladder and kidneys when she urinates. They put some type of dye in her urine and then use an x-ray to see if urine only comes down or shoots up into the kidneys.

We'll keep you posted. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

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