Saturday, November 25, 2006


We celebrated Thanksgiving in our new house this week with Dwayne, Rachel, Amber and Cynthia, one of Amber's housemates who is from Kenya.

Nora wasn't too fond of the turkey, and ended up reading a book during dinner. She is definitely enjoying having so many people around to play with and being the center of attention. We made lots of play-doh snowmen together over the past couple of days.

On Friday we put up our Christmas tree, and Nora enjoyed helping Mommy and Auntie Pea put up the lights. She did not quite understand the concept of leaving the ornaments on the tree, and for every one that we put on, she would hand one back to us.

Enjoy the pictures!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Looks like a whole lot of fun going on at your house. Special memories being made for sure

Anonymous said...

Maybe we will be brave and not Super Gate our Christmas tree this year. Doubt it...I don't trust the Partners in Crime.