Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's a Success!

Nora has made it through three days of daycare with only one accident! She has been doing quite well at home as well, but last night we got both a pee pee and poopieccident. The best accident so far has been the poopie in the bath tub. I heard a shout from Nora's bathroom from Brian the other night, "Your turn!" Brian cleaned up the last bathtub poo, but it was delagated to me this time. The tub and warm water must be the best place to poo if you know you can't do it in your new Elmo underwear!

I'm really proud of her that she is holding it on the new and improved 30-45 minute car ride to and from daycare every day. The teachers put a sticker on her chart every time she goes on the potty at school. For the first time, I walk into daycare and look to see if she has on the same clothes. It takes on a whole new meaning now!


Anonymous said...

Good job Nora!
I remember the poo thing in Nana & Papa's tub last year, but then you were only one.

Mel said...

Brendan's a tub poo-er, too. It's all good fun.

Unplugged said...

we just had a floater tonight. Bleach is my new best friend!
Does Nora ask on her own to go yet? If so, how did you get her to do that!