Monday, November 06, 2006

Nora joins our demolition crew

We finally got the keys to our new house this week, and we are having the floors re-done. We spent most of the weekend tearing up the old "1970's casino floor"-style carpet and the engineered wood floors in the kitchen in order to make way for the new oak flooring.

It's not our usual idea of family fun on the weekends, but we all had a great time.

Nora helped by drawing all over the floors with markers. We explained to her that this was the ONLY time in her life that she would be able to do she enjoyed it!

I started tearing away at the carpeting and old engineered floor. I never knew how theraputic crowbars, hammers and big scary-looking utility knives could be. The destruction continued well into the evening hours.

April spent most of the day keeping Nora away from the aforementioned crowbars, hammers and big scary-looking utility knives. Here is a picture of her with the hammer...she wanted to "go boom boom boom like Daddy".

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Mel said...

Jeez....wish my kitchen floors looked as nice as the engineered wood floors you're tearing out..... *sighs*

Could've been worse, you could have had 1989 Country blue and white vinyl flooring (like I do)

FDR said...

Sounds like all went well with the demolition work. Nora looks pretty comfortable with the hammer. Are you guys staying dry?

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. I hear you are getting the itch!