Saturday, December 09, 2006


Nora has been written up three times for biting in the last two days. Mommy and Daddy were not happy campers. Two of the instances were provoked, but one time she just bit out of no where.

The perception of the teachers in her room is that she is frustrated that the others in the room can't talk to her like she expects. She is not the oldest in the room, but her language skills are a bit higher than anyone else's'. She knows that when she speaks to most people they respond and she may not understand why her friends can't.

What ever the reason for the biting, I'm told it's normal. I don't really care if it is normal, it's my kid doing it and I want her to stop. Thankfully, she only has seven more days of daycare before we leave for our trip to the Midwest. Hopefully she'll forget about this attention seeking behavior during our three weeks away from school. We are looking forward to our trip immensely (especially Nana, Papa, Grandma, and Grandpa!)

Auntie Pea arrives for her holiday break on Tuesday. We are going to have a blast cooking and doing Auntie and Niece things. Nora is really into helping with the measuring and pouring during a recipe. That will make holiday baking even more fun.


Andi said...

We bite each other all the time. It's not pretty...Mommy will have to post of Ethan in time out real soon.

Anonymous said...

Okay, biting isn't funny. It comes and goes in our house. They'll bite each other pretty consistently for a few days and then we won't see it again for weeks. I find that they bite most often when they are hungry, tired or are in no mood for sharing (which is a problem when you have to share your toys 24/7). The boys are all too familiar with time out around here.

Is it possible Nora is getting her 2 year molars (or does she already have them?)? I found that the boys bite the most when they were getting teeth. Must have made their gums feel better?

I just realized that the last comment should have read "Mommy will have to post a picture of Ethan in time out real soon."

Mel said...

We've not had the biting problem, but Brendan is a hitter. He hits Gary ALL THE TIME and says "ouch", like he's the one being hit. What a dork.

Anonymous said...

come on Grandpa Johnson! you have to tell all of us bloggers your biting story! We're very curious!

Jessica said...

I am a victim of childhood biting. (you probably would have pictured me as the biter instead of the bitee, but you would be wrong) In order to cope I share my story with others so that I can deal with the painful memories that still haunt me today. NOT. ;)