Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Poop Position

Yes, Nora has a poop position. While Nora is sitting on the toilet, I usually sit right in front of her on the step stool. Recently, she has made me lean in to her and she puts her head on my left shoulder and I put mine on her left shoulder. Then she says, "Put your arms around me." This must give her comfort while doing the deed because not seconds after the position is assumed, the poop drops out of her!

Strange but true. The things a mommy will do to get her child to poop on the potty!


Rorick Family said...

That is funny! Libby's new poop thing is.. "Go in dare Mommy, it will really tink bad."

Unplugged said...

HEY....SO FUNNY! Ana has the EXACY same position, but she pairs it with a large push, followed by "mommy's turn" where I model "pushing". It's quite the sight I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...too funny! I'm with Amber, where are the pictures?!?!;-)

Anonymous said...

Your description of the "position" is exactly what I recall with the three of you. I'd almost forgotten the hugs though....more like a sense of comfort during the trials and tribulations of pooping. Do not share photos p-l-ease!!!!

Mel said...

Hee hee! I love the graphic descriptions! You make me laugh!