Yup, you read right, Nora is the excited recipient of a 72 hour virus! Here is a time sensitive list of the exciting events in the Remfrey house:
Monday 5:00 PM - Mommy picks up Nora and she falls asleep on the way home. Not her normal self that serenades her driver the whole way home.
Monday 6:00 PM - Mommy takes Nora's temperature and it reads 100.5. Not too high, but enough to send up warning flags.
Monday 6:10 PM - Mommy gives Nora Tylenol and she pukes all over Mommy and the kitchen. It even got in the air vent on the front of the dishwasher as we violently turned during the puke to make the sink.
Monday 6:15 PM - "Mommy, I want Cherrios and raisins!" Nora was back to herself.
Monday 8:00 PM - Nora turned into a monster during bath time. She didn't want anyone to touch her or wash any part of her body. Her hair is still dirty ;-)
Tuesday 1:30 AM - Nora woke up with a 101.5 fever. Mommy gave her some crackers and Motrin trying to avoid the previous evening's mess.
Tuesday 1:30-6:30 AM - Nora slept with Mommy and Daddy for the night. Mommy jumped at every movement scared she was going to puke on one of her parents.
Tuesday 6:30 AM - Nora woke up bright-eyed and ready for her usual: Cherrios and raisins.
Tuesday 11:00 AM - Daycare called saying Nora's temp was up to 103.2.
Tuesday 12:20 PM - Dr. Chang reported that Nora was her third case of the day with high fever and tummy and back rash.
Recommended treatment: Stay at home for the next 72 hours and wait for it to pass. Ugh. Mommy is off to write lesson plans in the morning while Daddy stays home with the babe. Daddy leaves for China tomorrow afternoon, while Mommy and Nora recover in isolation.